Feature Toggle Requirements
By having Feature Toggles this allows business to launch products, promos, and priority items on demand. Business can control the roll out of Features to certain customers or groups, A/B Testing (compares a variation against a current experience), and hide incomplete or risky parts of the system.
Client Requests:
- Enable a Feature for a specific application
- Enable a Feature on demand
- Enable a Feature for certain user population groups (beta testers, A/B Testing)
- Schedule start and/or end date and time for a Feature
- Search available Features for an application and view current status
- Receive an alerted when a Feature is activated
Information Technology (IT) Requests:
- Export from test and import into production environments
- Allow toggles to be turned off quickly to prevent production impact
- Allow toggles to be implemented so code can be integrated faster into production environment
Security Requests:
- Audit trail showing identity, action, time of action, status of action, origin of event, name of affected resource (per PCI 3.2 Req 10)
- Security enabled so only authorized users can view/edit data
- Ensure all PII/PCI data is encrypted during transmission and at rest.
Operations Requests:
- Exception Handling actions are identified
- Identify monitoring needed and actions when monitors alert
Development Requests:
- Unified toggle environment
- Standard toggle training for adoption
- Feature toggle release model
- Reliability
- Time, on/off
Future enhancement:
Data Dictionary:
General Terms:
- Feature: Product, promotion (promo), or priority item
- Standard Logging System: file system, Exceptionless, Seq
- Standard Monitoring Systems: Exceptionless for exception handling, Seq for Logging events, Pingdom for up/down monitors, datadog, applicaiton insights
- Audit Event: Track actions of the user within the system and will minimally include the authenticated user name, the action taken, and the datetime of the action
Requirement Elements:
- Abstract: Represents the initial purpose of the project.
- Epic : A grouping of Features project sized chunk of work
- Feature : A deliverable set of functionality
Story : A User #### Story supporting the need for the Feature
Scenario: A contextual action in the scope of the Feature
- Given : The context for the scenario. Any setup that is needed before testing the scenario
- When : The action for the scenario. This is the functionality that is executed for this scenario.
- Then : The expected results for the scenario.
- string : alphanumeric characters
- datetime : value of date and time in the format of ISO 8601 format
- integer : 0 - 2,147,483,647
- boolean : only two possible values: true or false where true = 1 and false = 0
Constraints Keys:
- required : this field is required to have a value
- unique : must be distinct
- min length (x) : x (integer) defining the minimum length of a data type
- max length (x) : x (integer) defining the maximum length of a data type
- valid characters(…) : any characters between “(“ and “)” will be considered valid for this field
- no restrictions : no restrictions are applied to the values for this field
Domain Models:
- ToggleCode : string - valid characters(A-Z,a-z,0-9,-,_), min length (3), max length (100), unique, required
- Description : string - min length (0), max length (200)
- ApplicationId : integer - required
- ToggleType: UserIds, IP WhiteLIst, IP BlackList, Boolean, Date Range, ActiveBeforeDate, ActiveAfterDate, %Users, GroupIds, HostName, EnabledDaysOfWeek, EnabledMinVersion
- Active : boolean - required
- DefaultState : boolean - required
- ApplicationId :int - required
- Applicaition Name :string - min length (3), max length (100), unique, required
- ISO 8601: https://www.iso.org/iso-8601-date-and-time-format.html
- Feature Toggles Definitions: https://### Featureflags.io/### Feature-toggles/
- Feature Toggles Advantages: https://www.slideshare.net/anandagrawal84/### Feature-toggles
- Feature Toggles Disadvantages: http://swreflections.blogspot.com/2014/08/### Feature-toggles-are-one-of-worst-kinds.html
- http://jason-roberts.github.io/### FeatureToggle.Docs/pages/usage.html
- https://www.split.io
- https://launchdarkly.com/
- Google Firebase - Remote Config
- Caching of up to 12 hours https://firebase.googleblog.com/2017/01/firebase-remote-config-loading.html
- For immediate changes realtime Database, or Message queueing and set flag that update is pending
- Date stored as string in
Epic: Feature Toggle - Internal Application
We want to be able to separate feature active/inactive from code deployments. This will allow us to deliver functionality faster to separate user groups.
Theme: Toggles
Feature: Create Toggle
As a [launch planner] I want to create a toggle for new functionality So that the toggles are available for A/B testing, Canary Releases, deploying Features incrementally (aka dark launching), and enabling rapid fail back.
Given a new toggle is requested
When the all required information is NOT inputted
Given existing toggle code
When I Create a new toggle
then a TOGGLE_ALREADY_EXISTS error occurs
Given a new toggle with as a unique code
When the all required information is inputted
Then the toggle is created
And Then an audit event is created
Feature: Retrieve Toggles
As a [launch planner] I want to view available toggles so that I can find the one I want to change.
Scenario: Toggles unable to be retrieved
Given Toggles are unavailable
when I Retrieve all toggles
Then a TOGGLES_UNAVAILABLE error occurs
Scenario: Retrieve all Toggles
Given Toggles exist
When I retrieve all toggles
Then all existing Toggles are retrieved
Scenario: Retrieve a specific Toggle
Given an existing Toggle with a Toggle code
When I retrieve the Toggle using the code
Then all Toggle data is received
Scenario: Retrieve a nonexisting Toggle
Given a nonexisting Toggle code
When I retrieve the Toggle using the code
Then a TOGGLE_DOESNOT_EXIST error occurs
Feature: Update Toggle
As A [launch planner] I Want to update an existing toggle for an existing Feature So that the toggle will have the correct inforamtion for the Feature
Scenario: Update existing Toggle
Given an existing toggle with code
When updating the Toggle using the code
Then the toggle data is updated with the inputted values
And Then an audit event is created
Scenario: Update nonexisting Toggle
Given a nonexisting Toggle code
When updating the Toggle values using the code
Then a TOGGLE_DOESNOT_EXIST error occurs
Feature: Delete Toggle
As a [launch planner] I Want to be able to Delete a toggle So that we can remove the toggle once the Feature is stable and is available to our customers
Scenario: Delete non-existing toggle
Given a non existing toggle
When deleting the toggle
Then a TOGGLE_DOESNOT_EXIST error occurs
Scenario: Delete existing toggle
Given an existing toggle
When the toggle is deleted
Then the toggle is not available for use
And Then an audit event is created
Feature: Toggle Types
As a [launch planner] I want to have multiple ways to grant access to a Feature so that only those users have access.
Given a Feature is enabled
When an authorized user attempts to access the Feature
Then the Feature is available.
Given a user is on an approved list
When they attempt to access the Feature
Then the Feature is available.
Given a user is in a group
And Given the group is enabled for the Feature
When they attempt to access the Feature
Then the Feature is available.
Given a IP List is on an approved list
When a user with the IP attempts to access the Feature
Then the Feature is available.
Given a Feature is enabled during a date range
When an authorized user attempts to access the Feature
AND When the system date is within the specified date range
Then the Feature is available.
Given a Feature is enabled for a platform (website, ios, android, api)
And Given an authorized user is using the platform
When the user attempts to access the Feature
Then the Feature is available.
As a [launch planner] I want to have multiple ways to restrict access to a Feature so that only those users have access.
Given a Feature is disabled
When any user attempts to access the Feature
Then the feature is denied.
Given a user is on an denied list
When they attempt to access the Feature
Then the Feature is denied.
Given a user is in a group
And Given the group is disabled for the Feature
When they attempt to access the Feature
Then the Feature is denied.
Given a IP List is on an denied list
When a user with the IP attempts to access the Feature
Then the Feature is Denied.
Given a Feature is disabled during a date range
When any user attempts to access the Feature
AND When the system date is within the specified date range
Then the Feature is denied.
Given a Feature is disabled for a platform (website, ios, android, api)
And Given a user is using the platform
When the user attempts to access the Feature
Then the Feature is denied.
Feature: Toggle enacted quickly impacts customers
As a [launch planner] I want to a Feature status to be immediately be toggled so that users can access enabled Features quickly.
Given an authorized user
When a Feature is enabled
and When an authorized user accesses the Feature
Then that Feature is enabled within the [Service Level Agreement (SLA)]
Given an authorized user
When a Feature is disabled
and When an authorized user accesses the Feature
Then that Feature is disabled within the [Service Level Agreement (SLA)]
Theme: Applications
Feature: Create Application
As a [launch planner] I want to add new Applications So that the Toggles may be appropriately grouped
Scenario: Create Application with unique slug
Given Application does not already exist with slug
When I Create a new Application
Then the Application is available
And Then an audit event is created
Scenario: Create Application with existing slug
Given Application already exists with slug
When I Create a new Application
Feature: Retrieve Application
As a [launch planner] I want to retrieve existing Applications So that I can view the toggles And So that I can update the toggles
Scenario: Retrieve all toggles for an application
Given Application exist
When I retrieve all toggles for the specific application
Then all existing toggles for the specified application are retrieved
Scenario: Retrieve a nonexisting Application
Given a nonexisting Application slug
When I retrieve the Application
Feature: Update Application
As a [launch planner] I want to Update an existing Application So that the Application will have the correct information
Scenario: Update existing Application
Given an existing Application
When updating the Application
Then the Application data is updated
And Then an audit event is created
Scenario: Update nonexisting Application
Given a nonexisting Application slug
When updating the Application using the slug
Feature: Delete Application
As a [launch planner] I want to Delete an existing Application So that I will prevent the Application from being used
Scenario: Application Deleted
Given an existing Application
When Application is Deleted by slug
Then Application is not available
And Then an audit event is created
Scenario: Nonexisting Application Deleted from Catalog
Given a nonexisting Application
When that Application is Deleted by slug
Theme: Application And Toggles
Feature: Add Toggle to Application
As a [launch planner] I want to add a Toggle to an Application So that the Toggles may be appropriately grouped
Scenario: Add Existing Toggle to an Existing Application
Given I am editing an existing Application
And Given an existing Toggle
AND given the toggle is already added to the Application
When I add the Toggle to the Application
Scenario: Add new Toggle to existing Application
Given a new Toggle
When I add the toggle to the Application
Then Toggle is Available in the Application
And Then an audit event is created
Scenario: Add new Toggle to New Application
Given a new Application
And Given a new Toggle
When I add the toggle to the Application
Then the applicaiton and toggle are created
and Then the Toggle is Available in the Application
And Then an audit event is created
Feature: Remove Toggle from existing Application
As a [launch planner] I want to delete a toggle So that we can remove the toggle once the Feature is stable and is available to our customers
Scenario: Delete existing toggle
Given an existing toggle
When the toggle is deleted
Then the toggle is not available for use
And Then an audit event is created
Feature: Export Toggles for an Application
As a [launch planner] I want to Export all toggles for an application So that we can use them in other environments
Scenario: Export all toggles for an application
Given an existing Application
And Given toggles exist for the application
When the toggles are exported
Then the application with all of its toggles are available for use in other systems.
Feature: Import Toggles for an Application
As a [launch planner] I want to Import all toggles for an application So that we can import them to other environments
Scenario: Import all toggles for an application
Given a standardized file for importing
When the toggles are imported
Then the application with all of its toggles are available for saving to the system
And Then any existing data is not modified
Feature: Filter applications by name
As a [launch planner] I want to find applications So that we can modify the necessary toggles quickly
Scenario: Filter application names from user input
Given the list of application names
When the first 3 letters of the application name are inputted
Then applications names starting with the inputted letters are displayed
Theme: Security
Feature: Authentication
As an Enterprise System I want to identify who should access the system so that we protect data and allow authorized access to our users
Scenario: Attempt access not logged in
Given I am not logged in
When I try to access toggles
Scenario: Authenticated in but not authorized
Given I am logged in
And Given I am not authorized
When I try to access toggles
Scenario: Authenticated and authorized
Given I am logged in
And Given I am authorized
When I try to access toggles
Then I am allowed access
Feature: Alert on failed attempts
As an Enterprise System I want to identify failed access attempts so that we can alert and monitor those users to prevent fraud and unauthorized access to PII.
Scenario: Multiple failed attempts
Given an unauthorized user
And Given 4 previous failed attempts
When the user has another unsuccsful attempt
Then Log FAILED_ACCESS_ATTEMPT event occurs
Feature: all traffic is encrypted
Feature: all stored data is encrypted
Theme: Logging
Feature: Application Logging
As an Enterprise System I want to monitor when errors occur within the system so that an alert can me initiated and the error condition is resolved.
Scenario: event is logged required information is captured
Given a logging event occurs
When the event is logged to the Standard Logging System
Then application name, environment, action, date and time of action, what system was affected is captured.
Scenario: Unexpected condition event is logged
Given an error case occurs
When an unplanned event occurs
Then event is logged to the Standard Logging System.
Scenario: event is logged no PII data is in the entry
Given an error case
When event is logged to the Standard Logging System
Then PII data is not logged.
Scenario: event is logged no PII data is in the entry
Given a logging event occurs
When the event is logged to the Standard Logging System
Then PII data is not logged.
Theme: Monitoring
Feature: System Health
As an Enterprise System I want to be notified when the system is unavailable for use so that we provide the best experience to our customers
Scenario: System is not responsive monitoring systems notified
Given System is responsive
When it is no longer responsive
Then Standard Monitoring Systems are notified
Scenario: System is monitoried using Standard Monitoring Systems
Given a new system or application is ready for launch
When a new system enters production
Then the app is added to Standard Monitoring Systems
Scenario: Sub System Degradation is logged
Given primary system is functional
When a sub systems is unavailable
or When the sub systme is underperforming
Then event is logged to the Standard Logging System
And Then the system continues to operate.
Theme: Reporting
Feature: Toggle usage
As an [launch planner] I want to know what toggles are in use So that we can remove unnecassary toggles
Scenario: Toggle is Accessed
Given: an external system
When: the system accesses the toggle
Then: count is incremented
And Then: last accessed date is updated
Feature: Toggle creation
As an [launch planner] I want to know what how many toggles were created within a specified date period So that we can show counts delivered to our customers
Scenario: Toggle is created
Given: an authenticated user
When: A date range is specified
Then: the count of toggles created within the date range is displayed