Cosmos Db client
Micosoft has released a client tool for CosmosDB. You can think of CosmosDB as Microsofts MongoDB as a Service its Azures nosql, scalable across multiple geographic region datastore. Some of the really cool power that CosmosDb offers is it allows developers to interact with it in several different ways so if the developer is familiar with MongoDB they can use the mongodb api or you can get real simple and use it as straight up key value pair table using the table api. This flexibility is where some of the true power sits, along with the ability to transmit the datastore all across the cloud data centers.
Client Tool
Microsoft released this standalone client so now the ability to look at the cosmosDB fully without having to have access to the azure portal is available. This allows the dev team, database team, data analysis folks ability to see and interact with the data without having to log into the azure portal and dig down to it. The client looks like it has all the functionality the portal provided which is AWESOME!
There are some performance tuning that if you get a crazy with can become expensive (Your milage will vary) depending on your needs. The cost is driven in the throughput of the queries They can go from Throughput (400 - 10,000 RU/s) I recommend going with a conservative number of 1000 to begin with and then you can monitor the load from there.