Small Busines Info
Small Business Info
Florida Info
Florida Division of Corporations
llc Doing Business As
By filing a fictitious name, or “Doing Business As,” you can provide your business with a name that stands apart from your personal name or the registered name of your corporation or partnership. The Florida Division of Corporations offers an online fictitious name registration service.
Withholding Taxes
After completing the filing process for the 4th quarter of the year, employers should retain records of employment taxes for at least the next four years. The list of items to keep on record include your employer identification number, personal data of employees, information on tax deposits and information on wage, annuity and pension payments
Florida-based business requires employees, you must pay unemployment compensation tax
worker’s compensation insurance,
Market Analysis Since no business exists in a vacuum, there are always market factors to consider, such as:
• Need for your product or service • Total customers in your market area • Potential customers most likely to need/want your product or service • Affordability of your product or service • Competition • Ways my product/service differs from the competition
U.S. Small Business Administration 501 E. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1210 Tampa, FL 33602 Tel: 813-228-2100 Fax: 813-228-2114
Hillsborough SCORE #203 2101 E. Palm Ave., Ste. 117 Tampa, FL 33605 813-448-2311
Business Plans: determine profitability and market share, and then expands as an in-business assessment tool to determine success, obtain financing and determine repayment ability, among other factors. Creating a comprehensive business plan can be a long process, and you need good advice. The SBA and its
• Give a detailed description of the business and its goals. • Discuss ownership of the business and its legal structure. • List the skills and experience you bring to the business. • Discuss the advantages you and your business have over competitors.
• Discuss the products and services your company will offer. • Identify customer demand for your products and services. • Identify your market, its size and locations. • Explain how your products and services will be advertised and marketed. • Explain your pricing strategy. Financial Management • Develop an expected return on investment and monthly cash flow for the first year. • Provide projected income statements and balance sheets for a two-year period. • Discuss your break-even point. • Explain your personal balance sheet and method of
• Discuss who will maintain your accounting records and how they will be kept. • Provide “what if” statements addressing alternative approaches to potential problems.
- Projections of income expenses and cash flow • Explain how the business will be managed day-to-day. • Discuss hiring and personnel procedures. • Discuss insurance, lease or rent agreements. • Account for the equipment necessary to produce your goods or services. • Account for production and delivery of products and services.
Concluding Statement
Summarize your business goals and objectives and express your commitment to the success of your business. Once you have completed your business plan, review it with a friend or business associate and professional business counselor like SCORE, WBC or SBDC representatives, SBA district office economic development specialists or veterans’ business development specialists. Remember, the business plan is a flexible document that should change as business grows