MSDeploy Deployment time transforms (environment transforms)
3 steps
- Create/have a Config file with entries (web.config)
- Parameters.xml file –> what to replace and where to replace it
- Setparameters.xml –> take the mappings in parameters and replace those values with what’s specified
mapping of web.config (or any file) and variable name for tokens; uses xpath to match. You can map the tokens, no failures will occur if they are not used.
<parameter name="appSettings.Environment" description="Please enter the name of the Environment" defaultvalue="__EnvironmentName__" tags="">
<parameterentry kind="XmlFile" scope="\\Web\.config$" match="/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='Environment']/@value">
Replacement values for the tokens
<setParameter name="appSettings.Environment" value="Production" />
NO SENSITIVE INFORMATION GOES INTO THESE FILES Those are controlled with global overrides contact devops (API Keys, passwords, etc)
Application Code\
parameters.xml (mapping of the sensitive info is GOOD)
\Deployment\TEST.SetParameters.xml (No Sensitive data)
\Deployment\PROD.SetParameters.xml (No Sensitive data)
Global overrides (\iwgdev6\c$\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\userContent\Transforms)
App Settings Environment, version, customErrors, showTestPage, compilationDebug, EmailAlertBcc, ErrorEmailTo, LogErrorToDatabase, ItWorksContextProduction
Connection strings: ItWorksContext IWGAdmin
SMTP server
Endpoints: ExigoApiSoapEndPoint
Application specific secret info API Keys, passwords, etc
During Build application Code\parameters.xml is combined with global_Parameters.xml file and that is packaged in the msdeploy zip file
CALL "%JENKINS_HOME%\userContent\CompileNet\ConfigTransforms.bat" %PARAMETERSPATH%
Deployment time (DO_DeployPackage)
These 2 variables are overridden via command line
-setParam:name="IIS Web Application Name",value="%WEBAPPNAME%" -setParam:name="appSettings.Version",value="%Version%.%PromotedBuildNumber%"
And we specify the environment specific setParamfile