#3 steps

  • Create/have a Config file with entries (web.config)
  • Parameters.xml file –> what to replace and where to replace it
  • Setparameters.xml –> take the mappings in parameters and replace those values with what’s specified

#Parameters.xml mapping of web.config (or any file) and variable name for tokens; uses xpath to match. You can map the tokens, no failures will occur if they are not used.

  <parameter name="appSettings.Environment" description="Please enter the name of the Environment" defaultvalue="__EnvironmentName__" tags="">
    <parameterentry kind="XmlFile" scope="\\Web\.config$" match="/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='Environment']/@value">

#SetParameters.xml Replacement values for the tokens

<setParameter name="appSettings.Environment" value="Production" />

NO SENSITIVE INFORMATION GOES INTO THESE FILES Those are controlled with global overrides contact devops/RE (API Keys, passwords, etc)

Application Code\
	parameters.xml (mapping of the sensitive info is GOOD)
	\Deployment\TEST.SetParameters.xml (No Sensitive data)
	\Deployment\PROD.SetParameters.xml (No Sensitive data)

#Global overrides (stored in secure location accessible by Jenkins)

  • App Settings Environment, version, customErrors, compilationDebug, ErrorEmailTo

  • Connection strings: Named

  • SMTP server

  • Endpoints:

  • Application specific secret info API Keys, passwords, etc

During Build [application Code]\parameters.xml is combined with global_Parameters.xml file and that is packaged in the msdeploy zip file

CALL "%JENKINS_HOME%\userContent\CompileNet\ConfigTransforms.bat" %PARAMETERSPATH%

#Deployment time (Package Job)

  • These 2 variables are overridden via command line

      -setParam:name="IIS Web Application Name",value="%WEBAPPNAME%" -setParam:name="appSettings.Version",value="%Version%.%PromotedBuildNumber%" 
  • And we specify the environment specific setParamfile
